NEW YEAR SALE: Up to 67% OFF! NEW YEAR SALE: Up to 67% OFF! SG #1 Home Cinema Brand, Now in PH SG #1 Home Cinema Brand, Now in PH Lowest Prices Till Date Lowest Prices Till Date NEW YEAR SALE: Up to 67% OFF! NEW YEAR SALE: Up to 67% OFF!

Video Review Guide

Here's how to get your FREE RIZE Adjustable Stand (Worth $80!) 

1. Do a 2-3 mins Review Video 

IMPORTANT! Content Detail Guidelines
- Start off your video with you saying "I just received my LUMOS Home Cinema Projector" with you posing with our projector
- Showcase your setup, how you use it and talk & show some of the features that you love about the projector
- Feel free to be creative and have fun!

*Do take note to showcase the projected screen in darkness to be visible. Day footage are not recommended.*

(You can use your phone to shoot a simple video, a simple video is good enough! But if you want to take it to the next level with beautiful set-up, professional editing and all, we'll excited to see what kind of content you can put up!)

2. Upload on Youtube

Once you are done with the video, upload it on Youtube. If you do not have a channel, you can easily create one, it takes less than a minute!

3. Contact Us to Claim Your RIZE Adjustable Stand!

Contact us at, send us your video, provide the Youtube URL, and you'll be able to collect a RIZE Stand, totally free!

Create Your Video and Win A RIZE Adjustable Stand Now!